Lost Sock Creations

Lost Sock Creations
what it's all about...

Monday, April 29, 2024

Project S.N.A.P. UT Tyler

You are about to be a "piece" of something bigger. 
We are going to create small designs that will fit into a larger permenant installation at the 
UT Tyler hospital. 

-Design should be FULL of COLOR. (limit white)
-Paper should be HORIZONTAL
-Follow THEME-
Transforming Healthcare Across East Texas: 
Pathways intersecting at the heart of healthcare. 
Associated Words:
Perseverance, Trust, Healing, 
Excellence, Research, Love, 
Respect, Learning, Kindness, 
Health & Wellness, Community, Giving, 
Belonging, Creativity, Growth, 
Hope, Service, Discovery. 
-Use Markers or Colored pencils
-Name on BACK (not front) in pencil 
-Fill out Artist Statement on Back 
-NO copyright characters or art. 


Student Examples from Tara Shannon's HS Art class...


Drawing Nature

Take. your journal and a pencil outside. 
Find 3 natural things to draw and write about in your jounal. 
Use texture, shading, detail, and your art knowledge from the school year. 

Kristin Link 
Nature Journaling

Maureen Clare Murphy

DAY 2 
Bring our phone or camera from Chromebook outside. 
Take 6 pictures of nature. 
3 far away photos and 3 upclose photos.

-Make sure to hold your phone still, prop your arm/hand on something. 
-On the close ups, walk close to the object rather than zooming in. 

Pecan Tree, state tree

Live Oak, most popular TX tree
These are what we have in front of Mineola HS. 


Look at photos from blog or online of Live Oak Trees. 
USE: Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Value. 

Using photos of your own, or ones on the blog, find 1 main photo and 2-3 deatils photos to use for your final nature piece. 
You can do this as  COLLAGE drawing or use 1 PIECE of Paper. 
Bring out the paper & supplies you need and grab a clipboard. 
Be creative with perspective, details, texture, colors. 
Show closer perspective in 2-3 micro circles.
From front of Mineola HS

From Mineola ISD Nature Trail

From my backyard in Mineola. 

See project here…

Monday, April 15, 2024

Elements of Art

(illustrations WITH the word)

(the word IS the illustration)

Definitions Inside Flaps

This project is meant to be a creative REVIEW of the ELEMENTS we have been 
learning about all year. 

Student Element Folds 

Estrella 10th grade 

Maisy S. 11th grade 

Braylee B. 10th grade 

Jasmine H. 

Kelly Marquez 9th grade

Kaylee Reed 9th grade 

Josie H 10th grade

Danielle V. 10th grade

get stARTed
- Turn 12 by 18 paper horizontally. 
-Mark Middle 
-Fold sides into middle.
-Divide top flaps horizontally 3 inches each.
You will have 8 sections. 
-Section 1- ELEMENTS OF ART, creative design, your name, 7 Elements under the flap. 
Section 2- LINE- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap. 
Section 3- SHAPE- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap. 
Section 4- FORM- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap. 
Section 5- VALUE- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap. 
Section 6- COLOR- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap.
Section 7- TEXTURE- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap. 
 Section 8- SPACE- word and creative design on top flat, definition and illustrations on inner flap. 
*Cut LAST! or else you will have issues with coloring and ripping.